Table Description:
This table is available for ADQL queries and through the TAP endpoint.
Resource Description:
For a list of all services and tables belonging to this table's resource, see Information on resource 'Data for numerical modeling of planetary atmospheres'
Further Information at: TBD
Sorted by DB column index. [Sort alphabetically]
Name | Table Head | Description | Unit | UCD |
granule_uid | Granule_uid | Unique ID of data product | N/A | |
granule_gid | Granule_gid | Group ID of data product | N/A | |
obs_id | Obs_id | Original data ID of data product | N/A | |
dataproduct_type | Dataproduct_type | Organization of the data product, from enumerated list | N/A | meta.code.class |
measurement_type | Measurement_type | UCD(s) defining the data | N/A | meta.ucd |
processing_level | Processing_level | Data processing level | N/A | meta.code;obs.calib |
target_name | Target_name | name of target (from a list depending on target type) | N/A |;src |
target_class | Target_class | type of target from enumerated list | N/A | meta.code.class;src |
time_min | Time_min | Acquisition start time (in JD) | d | time.start |
time_max | Time_max | Acquisition stop time (in JD) | d | time.end |
time_sampling_step_min | Time_sampling_step_min | Min time sampling step | s | time.interval;stat.min |
time_sampling_step_max | Time_sampling_step_max | Max time sampling step | s | time.interval;stat.max |
time_exp_min | Time_exp_min | Min integration time | s | time.duration;obs.exposure;stat.min |
time_exp_max | Time_exp_max | Max integration time | s | time.duration;obs.exposure;stat.max |
spectral_range_min | Spectral_range_min | Min spectral range (frequency) | Hz | em.freq;stat.min |
spectral_range_max | Spectral_range_max | Max spectral range (frequency) | Hz | em.freq;stat.max |
spectral_sampling_step_min | Spectral_sampling_step_min | min spectral sampling step | Hz | em.freq.step;stat.min |
spectral_sampling_step_max | Spectral_sampling_step_max | max pectral sampling step | Hz | em.freq.step;stat.max |
spectral_resolution_min | Spectral_resolution_min | Min spectral resolution | Hz | spect.resolution;stat.min |
spectral_resolution_max | Spectral_resolution_max | Max spectral resolution | Hz | spect.resolution;stat.max |
c1min | C1min | Min value of RA | deg | pos;stat.min |
c1max | C1max | Max value of RA | deg | pos;stat.max |
c2min | C2min | Min value of Dec | deg | pos;stat.min |
c2max | C2max | Max value of Dec | deg | pos;stat.max |
c3min | C3min | Min value of spatial coordinate 3 (not used) | m | pos;stat.min |
c3max | C3max | Max value of spatial coordinate 3 (not used) | m | pos;stat.max |
c1_resol_min | C1_resol_min | Min resolution on spatial coordinate 1 (not used) | N/A | pos.resolution;stat.min |
c1_resol_max | C1_resol_max | Max resolution on spatial coordinate 1 (not used) | N/A | pos.resolution;stat.max |
c2_resol_min | C2_resol_min | Min resolution on spatial coordinate 2 (not used) | N/A | pos.resolution;stat.min |
c2_resol_max | C2_resol_max | Max resolution on spatial coordinate 2 (not used) | N/A | pos.resolution;stat.max |
c3_resol_min | C3_resol_min | Min resolution on spatial coordinate 3 (not used) | N/A | pos.resolution;stat.min |
c3_resol_max | C3_resol_max | Max resolution on spatial coordinate 3 (not used) | N/A | pos.resolution;stat.max |
spatial_frame_type | Spatial_frame_type | Flavor of coordinate system | N/A | meta.code.class;pos.frame |
incidence_min | Incidence_min | Min incidence angle (solar zenithal angle) | deg | pos.posAng;stat.min |
incidence_max | Incidence_max | Max incidence angle (solar zenithal angle) | deg | pos.posAng;stat.max |
emergence_min | Emergence_min | Min emergence angle | deg | pos.posAng;stat.min |
emergence_max | Emergence_max | Max emergence angle | deg | pos.posAng;stat.max |
phase_min | Phase_min | Min phase angle | deg | pos.phaseAng;stat.min |
phase_max | Phase_max | Max phase angle | deg | pos.phaseAng;stat.max |
instrument_host_name | Instrument_host_name | Standard name of the observatory or spacecraft | N/A |;instr.obsty |
instrument_name | Instrument_name | Standard name of instrument | N/A |;instr |
service_title | Service_title | Title of the ressource | N/A | meta.title |
release_date | Release_date | Granule public release date | N/A | time.release |
creation_date | Creation_date | Granule creation date | N/A | time.creation |
modification_date | Modification_date | Granule last modification date | N/A | time.update |
access_format | Access_format | file format type. | N/A | meta.code.mime |
access_url | Access_url | URL of the data files. | N/A | meta.ref.url;meta.file |
access_estsize | Access_estsize | estimate file size in kB. | kbyte | phys.size;meta.file |
species | Species | Species name | N/A |;phys.atmol |
formula | Formula | Formula | N/A | |
cas_number | Cas_number | CAS registry number | N/A | |
comments | Comments | Some comment that may be helpful | N/A | |
molecule_group | Molecule_group | Category | N/A | |
bib_references | Bib_references | Bibligraphy references used | N/A | meta.bib |
s_region | S_region | STC-S region | N/A | phys.outline;obs.field |
thumbnail_url | Thumbnail_url | URL of a thumbnail image | N/A | meta.ref.url;meta.file |
Columns that are parts of indices are marked like this.
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